Seasons of Wither series In Progress!

Book 1: A Burnt Summer

A deadly plague has ravaged the Royal City. As the worst of it burns itself out, Cail–steward to the royal family–must face hard decisions about the future of the realm. The Bloody Men are stirring in the west. An ancient and corrupt nation remains a threat just across the mountains to the south. To the east, the tumultous gray sea, and to the north only ice. But the worst challenges Cail will face come from within.

Authors Note: I’m currently working on this novel, my first in the fantasy genre. If you’d like to get a taste of it, you can read the first chapter of this novel. This series will have multiple viewpoint characters from very different nations, backgrounds and perspectives.

The series will continue in…

Book 2: A Bloody Autumn

Book 3: A Bleak Winter

Book 4: A Forgotten Spring